Last night I was fortunate enough to participate in a podcast hosted by TeacherCast . The air tingled with rich dialogue about technology, wikis, apps, 1:1 computing and social media in the classroom. I was in the free space with educational leaders like Shira Leibowitz , Ron McAllister and Brett Clark . I'm not kidding you...when we got off the air, it was electric. Twitter was blowing up and it didn't stop until...wait it hasn't stopped! We are still making connections. One of those connections made is with Eric Clark . First thing this morning he's hitting me up for connections with great educators. That got me thinking...I mean I could go traditional and list all my educator network, which I did, and then I immediately thought about ALL my Twitter friends who've taught actions, what they say, how they say it and by caring for mind was racing. I thought of Miki Markovich , who will write the great American novel, takes care of ...
Valuable ideas, research-based anecdotes, and life experiences that strengthen educational leaders.