Esteemed Members of the Arizona House and Senate, As a concerned Arizonan, I'm writing to ask for your help, and because I respect your service to your communities' educational agencies. I have worked in Arizona district and charter schools for a combined 18 years here in Arizona. Most of those were shared with underprivileged, homeless, at-risk, and more recently refugee children. I have lobbied some of you, worked campaigns as a LD10 (now LD20) Precinct Committeman, lobbied members of the House and Senate at the Federal level, and most importantly I am a father of five incredible children. Presently, I'm a school principal in East Phoenix, where we've labored diligently, turning a major corner taking our school from corrective action to a B in one single year. We also have some of the highest re-classification rates among Latino, Refugee and Homeless children (50-60%). We are building a national model for serving this population of ch...
Valuable ideas, research-based anecdotes, and life experiences that strengthen educational leaders.