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Showing posts from September, 2012

Legislation gone bad...

Esteemed Members of the Arizona House and Senate, As a concerned Arizonan, I'm writing to ask for your help, and because I respect your service to your communities' educational agencies. I have worked in Arizona district and charter schools for a combined 18 years here in Arizona.  Most of those were shared with underprivileged, homeless, at-risk, and more recently refugee children. I have lobbied some of you, worked campaigns as a LD10 (now LD20) Precinct Committeman, lobbied members of the House and Senate at the Federal level, and most importantly I am a father of five incredible children. Presently, I'm a school principal in East Phoenix, where we've labored diligently, turning a major corner taking our school from corrective action to a B in one single year.  We also have some of the highest re-classification rates among Latino, Refugee and Homeless children (50-60%).  We are building a  national model  for serving this population of ch...

I know a guy...and a gal.

I love connecting people.  I mean, I'm no Scott Lazerson , but on a local and on a growing national level, I love saying to people, "I know someone you need to meet."  Here's a few to add to your list. Jeff Bradbury of TeacherCast  - here's a humble professional reaching out across the Twitterverse and connecting professionals of all walks.  His site features app reviews, podcasts, blogs, and tips that light your educational fire!   John Angelo of The Angelo Group  - My grandchildren will buy houses from John. Eric Bennett - from loosing his arm in a car accident at 15, to Paralympic contender, 4th in the world.  Father, husband, Physics teacher, hunter, and dear friend. John McLean - graduates with his Masters Degree in counseling this month.  He's 55.  Alaskan fish-boat captain.  Dad.  Grandfather.  Husband.  Hack on the basketball court.  Beat his demons.  Prime example of human poten...

5.5 Ways to Choose a School

School choice.   Hot topic at both extremes of the political pendulum.  Legislators and activists beat the choice drum with vigor, urging stakeholders to exercise their ability to choose, while some important criteria remain elusive to those of us who will find themselves facing a growing myriad of choices.  Whether public, private or district...the array is broad. So, how does one choose  a district, charter or private school?  It may be one of the most important commitments we make.  Here are 5.5 criteria that should help get you thinking: Vision - sounds cliche right?  Well, consider asking where the district or group intends to be 5-10 years from now.  If the word traditional  is found anywhere in their mission statement or foundational documents...I'd ask some tough questions. Awards  - not just the type of awards but from whence to they come?  Accolades can be indicative of the network the district or group belongs. ...