Welcome to our family. The joy you bring everyone is indescribable. Having just come from Heavenly Father, I have to ask you...how's Grandpa Glen? What does Heaven smell like? What's the best book in Heaven? Best food? I know that sounds silly, but I have those questions because you're here. You remind me that Heaven is a real place. I'm glad you chose to come. I'm learning how much better I want to be. For you. For our family. This world is a mix of wonder, joy, and a fair measure of pain and sorrow. I want to protect you from that. To keep you safe. To shelter you. But I can't. It would be unfair. It's not part of the plan. So...I pledge that I will do all in my power to serve you, to teach you and show you all that I can. You have amazing parents. Your father, my son, is a worthy priesthood holder. The spirit resides with him - he is worthy to go to the temple w...
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