Are we talking about equity of opportunity? Or, as I suspect, are we shouting about equity of outcome?
Those two are different in very important ways.
If equity of outcome is the end that justifies the current means, I have some questions.
- When will we know if we have achieved said equality?
- How is equality accomplished?
- How are we tracking progress towards said equality?
- Who decides that we're progressing or not?
- Finally, why do they get to decide for all of us?
Let me put this another way;
- What is it that we expect everyone to be able to know and do around equality?
- How will we know that they know and are doing?
- What is one thing I can do to demonstrate equality?
- What is one thing I have successfully done to demonstrate my commitment to equality?
- How decides that I've met the know and do rubric?
- What happens to me if I am unable to meet the rubric in the suggested time frame?
- Who decides what happens to me?
Dr. J
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