While sharing some insights with a friend, I was prompted to bring attention to how best to navigate the volatility and uncertainty surrounding what we call, Covid-era Education.
The uncertainty is often promulgated by the news media, and unfortunately the advice being shared is often hijacked by those who think they know what's best for you and yours. Activists don't really have a place at the table when it comes to deciding what qualifies as medical or educational advice. I implore them to leave it to professionals.
So, here are 8.5 tips for navigating today's educational challenges.
- Read this. On several levels, it speaks to me about self-care, good medical advice, and how to take responsibility for my own health and wellness.
- Run for school board. I say this a lot, and you can always contact me if you disagree; school boards are the most powerfully elected bodies in our nation.
- If you don't want to run for school board service, attend every meeting. Speak up.
- Ask questions. Start with, "Tell me more about what you mean by __________."
- Turn off the news.
- Teach your child to self-advocate, model it. If you or your student doesn't understand online/virtual classrooms/work; attend office hours, schedule an appointment with school staff, or research solutions. You don't have to have all the answers, you only have to know where to go to find them.
- Innovate. Here's an accredited resource for outdoor learning. Hit me up if you want a materials shopping list.
- Choose. Shop with your feet. Home schooling consortiums are a viable and tangible resource for high quality education that preserves your right to choose.
8.5 Contact me. I'm always available for Zoom, FaceTime, or GoogleChat.
You aren't meant to do this alone. None of us can. So, reach out, and I can support you in deciding how to navigate the uncertainty surrounding education, without the ideological and political morass.
Dr. J
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