Arne Duncan now promotes local control.
As a professional educator, this comes as a terrible surprise to me. During his service as Secretary of Education, he used the national government to force feed common core down the throats of wh*#e suburban mom's who didn't know how to make informed choices about their children's education.
Common Core, much like its similarly legislated predecessors (ESSA, NCLB), has grossly failed to address;
Now those Moms know best? Why now?
Didn't Arne participate in the federal funding of public education from the national level, even threatening to withhold school funding from those who didn't meet federal mandates?
Yeah. He did.
I was there, in the room, when as a local leader, felt the incomparable weight of the tentacles tightening around my waning lack of control, as I fought mightily to meet the requirements of Race to the Top. Which by the by, had no measurable or sustainable impact on teacher retention or student performance.
But now, if a sitting President speaks about withholding funding, its all about local control.
I have 3 children in school. I'm speaking with local leaders, teachers, staff, community members, and moreover, children - all of whom want to go back to the brick and mortar school building.
They, we, are being held hostage by misinformation and inaction at the hands of county health departments, state governments, news agencies, and activists, who want to centralize government and unflinchingly eradicate local controls.
Friends, go to your school board meetings. Ask questions. Demand accountability.
Dr. J
As a professional educator, this comes as a terrible surprise to me. During his service as Secretary of Education, he used the national government to force feed common core down the throats of wh*#e suburban mom's who didn't know how to make informed choices about their children's education.
Common Core, much like its similarly legislated predecessors (ESSA, NCLB), has grossly failed to address;
- Marginalized populations.
- Globally competitive high school graduates.
- Globally competitive competencies in public school attendees.
Now those Moms know best? Why now?
Didn't Arne participate in the federal funding of public education from the national level, even threatening to withhold school funding from those who didn't meet federal mandates?
Yeah. He did.
I was there, in the room, when as a local leader, felt the incomparable weight of the tentacles tightening around my waning lack of control, as I fought mightily to meet the requirements of Race to the Top. Which by the by, had no measurable or sustainable impact on teacher retention or student performance.
But now, if a sitting President speaks about withholding funding, its all about local control.
I have 3 children in school. I'm speaking with local leaders, teachers, staff, community members, and moreover, children - all of whom want to go back to the brick and mortar school building.
They, we, are being held hostage by misinformation and inaction at the hands of county health departments, state governments, news agencies, and activists, who want to centralize government and unflinchingly eradicate local controls.
Friends, go to your school board meetings. Ask questions. Demand accountability.
Dr. J
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